Restaurants are composting using new modern equipment, making it both practical and economical to do on-site.
Today’s commercial composting solutions take the complex task of responsibly discarding food waste and make it easy for restaurants to implement. Here’s a quick introduction and overview of the leading composting solutions for restaurants from TMK.
Restaurant Food Waste
If you work in a restaurant you know how much food is wasted every single day. According to the ReFED report in Restaurant Hospitality, “The restaurant industry alone generates about 11.4 million tons of food waste annually at a cost of about $25 billion per year.” The food waste epidemic has garnered nearly as much attention as single-use plastic waste in recent years. The waste is taking up tons of space in our landfills and generates methane gas that is 30 times more insulative of atmospheric heat than the carbon monoxide from our cars.
Getting Started with Composting in Your Restaurant
There are many different approaches restaurants can take to composting. If winters aren’t too severe where you live, you can mark off an area for a composting station on your property. If you don’t have the outdoor space or the right weather to compost naturally outdoors, not to worry, it is easy to start composting indoors.
Restaurant Business Online does a great job describing composting approaches. The first big distinction is pre- or post-consumer composting. Post-consumer composting of items like plate waste and compostable packaging requires a municipal program or specialized vendor and specialized equipment for sanitation and odor control. Several options are discussed below. Historically, when restaurants talk about composting, they typically refer to pre-consumer composting of items like fruit and vegetable scraps, egg shells, and coffee grounds and filters. But post-consumer composting is gaining popularity because of the elegant high-tech solutions that are finally available.

Electric commercial composting systems are more accurately considered food recyclers since they don’t create the typical compost mix. These food recyclers break down food waste quickly, using aeration and heat, much like a regular compost pile but produce an end product that is completely dry and sterile. Most compost has a high bacteria count and a neutral pH making it a great fertilizer and topsoil. Food recycler produces a sterile biomass (lacking bacteria) and cannot be immediately used as a topsoil. It will however regain much of its bacterial properties once added to garden soil. Bottom line, indoor composters offer fast, odorless, nutrient-rich fertilizer that will regain much of its bacteria once used with soil.
TMK is one of the world’s leading food waste solution providers. TMK-30 food composter is an electric composting unit deal for small-scale waste generators like restaurants and coffee shops. The TMK-30 utilizes microbes to compost food waste in 24 hours, producing a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be used in gardens. This is a premium product, one of the best commercial composters we’ve found. This restaurant owner’s testimonial summarizes the experience: “The peelings, the chopping, the leftovers, everything was composted, and it’s a very fast process. It turns to soil overnight,”
Commercial Composter